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Review of Teoma

Last updated Jul. 12, 2023.
by Greg R. Notess

Debuting in Spring 2001 and relaunching in April 2002, this new search engine has built its own database and offers some unique search features. It was bought by Ask Jeeves in Sept. 2001. It lacks full Boolean and other advanced search features, but in has more recently expanded and improved its search features and added an advanced search. Use the table of contents on the left to navigate this review.

See the Search Engine Showdown Teoma news section for changes and other news.

While Teoma results can show up in three separate sections, there is only the one single database of indexed Web pages. It may also includes paid ad results (from Google's AdWords database) under the heading of 'Sponsored Links.' No additional databases or portal features are directly available. Ask Jeeves switched to Teoma instead of Direct Hit in Jan. 2002 for the search engine results after its question and answer matches.

  * Identifying metasites
  * Refine feature to focus on Web communities

  * Smaller database
  * No free URL submission
  * No ability to uncluster results to easily see more than two hits per site
  * No cached copies of pages

Default Operation:
The default setting is an AND operation.

Boolean Searching:
Limited Boolean searching is available. Teoma defaults to an AND between search terms and supports the use of - for NOT. Either OR or ORR can be used for an OR operation, but the operator must be in all upper case. Unfortunately, no nesting is available, so term1 term2 OR term3 is processed as (term1 AND term2) OR term3. Try the advanced search, but it is still difficult to do a term1 AND (term2 OR term3) search.

Proximity Searching:
Phrase searching is available by using "double quotes" around a phrase or by checking the "Phrase Match" box. Teoma also supports phrase searching when a dash is used between words with no spaces as in cd-rom-drivers. Until Nov. 2002, Teoma's help page stated that "Teoma returns results which exactly or closely matches the given phrase" which meant that not all phrases matches will necessarily be accurate. As of Nov. 2002, that appears to have been corrected and phrase searching now works properly.

No truncation is currently available.

Case Sensitivity:
Searches are not case sensitive. Search terms entered in lowercase, uppercase, or mixed case all get the same number of hits.

Field Searching:
The following field searches were introduced in Nov. 2002. It appears that only one at a time can be used, and most cannot be combined with other search terms. So, intitle: and site: can be combined, but intitle: and inurl: cannot. These are also available on their advanced search page.

intitle:Finds pages that have the term(s) in the HTML title element. If one intitle: is used, all search terms are searched within the title element. Can be combined with a phrase search. intitle:"search engines".
inurl:Finds pages that have the term(s) somewhere in the URL (host name, path, or filename). If one inurl: is used, all search terms are searched within the title element. Can be combined with a phrase search. inurl:searchenginewatch.
site:Finds pages from the designated Web site. This is really a domain limit. Top level domain must be included. Paths and file names cannot be included. An additional search term must be used. Try a term from the domain name for the most comprehensive results. A search like notess site:notess.com finds how many pages are included for a specific site.
inlink:Is supposed to finds pages that have the term(s) somewhere in the anchor text, but this does not yet appear to work properly. .

Teoma has limits for language, domain, geographic region, and date. All are available from their advanced search page. The domain or site limit can also use the site: syntax as specified above and limits to a specific domain. The geographic regions include continents and subcontinents: Africa, Central America, Europe, India or Asia, Middle East, North America, Oceania, South America, and Southeast Asia. Dates can be specified or chosen from the following drop-down options: Last week, 2 weeks, month, 3 months, 6 months, year, or 2 years. Language and domain limits were introduced in Nov. 2002 with access from the advanced search page by Jan. 2003. By July 2003 at least, geographic region and date were added to the advanced search. 

For language limits, used the advanced search or add the command lang: followed by a two letter code for the language. For example: mondialement lang:fr adds the French limit to a search on 'mondialement.' Here are the ten available as of April 2004.
Danish lang:da
Dutch lang:nl
French lang:fr
German lang:de
Italian lang:it
Norwegian lang:no
Portuguese lang:pt
Spanish lang:es

Stop Words:
Teoma does ignore frequently-occurring words such as 'the,' 'of', 'and', and 'or'. However, like at Google, these stop words can be searched by putting a + in front of them or by including them within a phrase search.

By defaults, sites are sorted in order of perceived relevance. They also have site collapsing (showing only two pages per site with the rest link via a More results from message. There is no option for sorting alphabetically, by site, or by date.

Teoma displays the title (roughly first 60 characters), a two line keyword-in-context extract from the page, and the beginning of the URL for each hit. Some will also have a link to "Related Pages" which finds related records based on identifying Web communities by analyzing link patterns. Two other sections displayed are the "Refine" section (formerly folders) that suggest other related searches based on words that Teoma uses to identify communities on the Web and the "Resources: Link collections from experts and enthusiasts" (formerly "Experts' Links") which are Web pages that include numerous links to external resources -- metasites or Internet resource guides. Some "Sponsored Links" may show up at the top. These are ads from the Google AdWords program.

Teoma will only display 10 Web page records at a time; however, up to a 100 at a time can be displayed through a change in the preferences and on the advanced search page. Teoma may also display up to 10 metasites under the "Resources" heading and up to 6 Refine suggestions..

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Press Releases from Teoma or Ask Jeeves (may be at either).
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