Search Engine Showdown
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  • Dates: Coverage is current with some sources available for several months and other going back almost a year.
  • Sources: Hundreds of Web accessible news sources and archives; many, including New York Times, ABC, CNN, Washington Post, and many more. See under the categories for a list
  • Sort: The sort algorithm is not immediately apparent from the search output. It may be relevance, although the results are in a rough reverse chronological order (with some exceptions).
  • Frequency: According to their documentation, all sites are indexed "ever few hours."
  • Case Recognition: None
  • Stop Words: Yes, any terms with 2 letters or less and other common words.
  • Truncation: Automatic word derivatives (plurals and simple changed tense) occur on any term searched. Use "phrase" search for exact match on a term and to turn off the automatic word derivative for that term. No other truncation capabilities are available.
  • Boolean: Automatic AND processed for multiple terms. No other Boolean or + - system function is available.
  • Phrase: Phrase searching can be designated by double quotes "" around a search phrase.